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Comparison between the wood used for construction works

Wood used in the manufacture of multiple doors and different each features and disadvantages

The types of doors used in houses and installations vary according to the use and specifications to be achieved, and wooden doors of various types are considered to be the most famous, because of the possibility of controlling decoration, shapes and sizes. Knowing the type of wood door and the quality of the wood used is important in the process of purchasing the right door for your home or office, as its type plays an important role in its price. In this article, we will learn about the most prominent types of wooden doors, the most famous types of wood used in their manufacture, as well as the forms of wooden doors.

Wooden door shapes

wooden door

The shapes of doors used in homes vary depending on the area and need used for them, the most famous of which are:

1. The single-roll door, usually about 90 cm wide, is used in most rooms in the house.




2. The two-wheeled door, usually about 180 wide, is used at the main entrances to the house.



3. The three-wheel door, usually up to 210 cm wide, is used for wide entrances, to separate the halls from each other for example.

4. The zipper door, commonly used in large salon rooms for its beautiful view.




Types of wooden doors

The types of wooden doors in terms of the method of manufacture are divided into two parts:

1. The piston door: two panels of wood representing the face of the door, and are empty in the middle, and intermittent strips of wood are installed along the door to strengthen it, and these spaces keep the door from curving because it allows it to expand and shrink freely depending on the thermal variables. Because of its weak composition, it is usually not installed for external doors, but is used for internal doors. It also has the advantage of easy cleaning and maintenance.

2. Padding door: It is a clear wood, without spaces between its parts, so it is more rigid than the piston door, and therefore it is often used for external doors. Their manifestations vary from door to door, and their parts are often grouped by the "interlock" method without the use of nails. One of its drawbacks is the difficulty of maintenance and cleaning, and may show voids as a result of the collection of its parts in a wrong way.


Types of wooden doors in terms of the type of wood used

There are many types of wood used in the doors, most notably:

1. Sweid wood, which is most commonly used, is a white wood that tends to be yellow, made in Sweden.


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2. Mahogany wood, a solid wood, which tends to be red, characterized by its strength and longevity, not affected by water, and free of the wood nodes that hinder the manufacturing process, but its price is high compared to others.




3. Oak wood, called "color wood", is solid, and also has a high price.




4. American wood, called "carolin", is similar to Swedish wood and is characterized by its absence from wooden nodes.




5. Beech wood, characterized by the beauty of its color, hardness, and heavy weight, but it is affected by humidity and heat.




One of the finest doors is made of beach pine wood or what is known as dear wood extracted from pine trees, and this type is characterized by high percentage of oils, which reduces its impact on various weather factors, and does not expand in winter as happens with most types of wood that contain high percentages of water, so the beach pine is used in the manufacture of ships for its high quality, and its hypothetical age is longer, and is not affected by water by 80%, and yet its price is lower

The above never means that the rest of the species is bad, for example moski wood, although it is the least expensive species, but the demand for it is large and the door may become durable if it is beautified by cells and wrapped in an external crust that gives it strength against different factors, although this raises its price a little, and there Many types of packaging crusts, including white and red urdu crust, beech peels, oak, mahogany and root crust, whether apple, olive or lemon roots, as well as chick's eye crust, snake skin, These peels are used not only to cover doors made of moski wood, but also with MDF padding doors

What is wood veneer? veneer-rool-300x300.jpg They are thin strips of wood of uniform thickness, cut by peeling, slicing, or sawing logs. It is mainly used in the manufacture of plywood panels, by gluing them together with glue. These slices are usually arranged so that the direction of the fibers in one of the slices is perpendicular
